Busy times at the European Coatings Show 2013
(2013/04/09) From 19 to 21 March CATHAY INDUSTRIES Group successfully exhibited at the European Coatings Show 2013. Customers from around the world passed by to meet with the global sales team who was kept busy with discussions on a high level of quality.

With a special focus on its high chroma red pigments CATHAY INDUSTRIES raised tremendous interest among the iron oxide users in the coatings industry. In today’s coloring concepts the paint and varnish manufacturers need to cover a broad range of color shades. This requires pigments from the outer lines of the color spectrum. These outer lines can usually only be reached by organic pigments, which are either not light fast enough or very expensive. Now CATHAY INDUSTRIES offers red iron oxides with a brightness well beyond the known levels. These pigments are marketed under the brand name CATHAYCOAT™.
“We were convinced that our specialties would attract so much interest”, says Axel Schneider, CEO of CATHAY INDUSTRIES EUROPE. “That is why we gave them full focus at this show and the success has proven us right.”
CATHAY INDUSTRIES Group considers itself one of the most innovative players in the field of iron oxide pigments. This innovative approach has led to a significant growth of the Group over the last years.