Expansion of granule product portfolio
CATHAY INDUSTRIES hosts an event for its clients at bauma 2016
Ninove, 29 January 2016. The world of the building industry is preparing for bauma in Munich from 11th to the 17th of April. To present the new CATHAYGRAN™ iron oxide granules, CATHAY INDUSTRIES will host an event for its clients on the 13th of April. Guests from various regions are invited.

“Recently, we introduced our portfolio of the new spray-dried CATHAYGRAN™ granules. We are now quickly expanding this product range. Our customers benefit from the superior CATHAYGRAN™ quality and their state-of-the-art manufacturing”, says Terence Yu, Global CEO of CATHAY INDUSTRIES. Optimal flow properties, consistency and intense colour development characterise the pigments of this line.
Easy dosage
The CATHAYGRAN™ granules are used for the production of paving stones, precast concrete elements, ready-mix concrete and other applications. They are manufactured with a minimum of additives. Therefore, users can combine them with additives like efflorescence reducers or colour intensifiers without interactions. Because of their flow properties the granules are easy to dose manually or automatically in all kinds of dosing systems. The pigments are also suitable for environmentally sensitive areas. Due to their specific form they are clean and dust free in handling. Moreover, dust clouds are being avoided during the working process.
Fast Supply
CATHAY has warehouse storage in many locations in Germany as well as in other countries and regions, thus ensuring prompt product delivery. During bauma visitors of the customer event have the opportunity to obtain more information about CATHAYGRAN™ products and their applications.